For a full list of my papers, please refer to my
Google Scholar profile.
Conference Proceedings/Journal Articles
[ECAI 2024] Towards the New XAI: A Hypothesis-Driven
Approach to Decision Support Using Evidence
Thao Le, Tim Miller, Liz Sonenberg, Ronal Singh.
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI).
Main Track. Acceptance Rate: 547/2,344 (23%).
Santiago de Compostela. Spain.
[AAAI 2023] Explaining Model Confidence Using
Thao Le, Tim Miller, Ronal Singh, Liz Sonenberg.
Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI). Main Track. Acceptance Rate:
1,721/8,777 (19.6%).
Washington DC, USA.
[JAIR 2021] Goal Recognition for Deceptive Human Agents
through Planning and Gaze
Thao Le, Ronal Singh, Tim Miller.
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.
IJCAI 2022 Journal Track.
Peer-Reviewed Workshops/Doctoral Consortia
[AAAI DC 2023] Explaining the Uncertainty in
AI-Assisted Decision Making
Thao Le.
AAAI Doctoral Consortium.
Washington DC, USA.
[XAI-IJCAI 2022] Improving Model Understanding and
Trust with Counterfactual Explanations of Model
Thao Le, Tim Miller, Ronal Singh, Liz Sonenberg.
International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI). Workshop on Explainable
Artificial Intelligence.
Vienna, Austria.
Visual Evaluative AI: A Hypothesis-Driven Tool with
Concept-Based Explanations and Weight of Evidence
Thao Le, Tim Miller, Ruihan Zhang, Liz Sonenberg,
Ronal Singh.