Home Publications Experience

Academic/Research Experience

  • Academic Tutor (Teaching Assistant) - AI Planning for Autonomy, COMP90054 (Graduate level) - S1/S2 2023/2024
    • Topics covered: Search algorithms and heuristic functions, classical (AI) planning, Markov Decision Processes, reinforcement learning, game theory
  • Research Assistant - AI and Autonomy Lab, The University of Melbourne - 05/2022
    • Project: Cognitive Models Supporting Human-Machine Partnerships

Academic Service

  • Reviewer: HCOMP 2023

Selected Awards/Achievements

  • Google Conference Grant (2023)
  • CIS Nominee for Apple Scholars in AI/ML PhD Fellowships (2022/2023)
  • Melbourne Centre for Data Science (MCDS) Top Up Scholarship (2022)
  • Melbourne Research Scholarship: Full fee offset and stipend
  • Second Prize - Electronic Trading Competition - Jane Street Capital (2019)


  • Presenter at Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AJCAI) Doctoral Consortium - Perth, Australia - 12/2022
  • Participant at FAccT, Innovative Methods for Critical Studies of Emerging Technologies Workshop - Australian National University, Canberra - 09/2022
  • Final round participant at Melbourne Facebook Hackathon, Australia - 05/2019